Student of The Month February 2013
Congratulations to Congratulations to Student of The Month James Gundy for January 2013.London Guitar Academy’s student of the month showcases the very best in student talent from our London Based guitar lessons. James like us all is a big music fan and has showed consistent and steady progress through out his musical journey. Mastering rock classics such as The Eagles Hotel California (barre chord challenge) Pink Floyd’s Wish You Where Here (picked intro containing rhythm & lead combinations) and U2’s One.
James contues to expand his musical repertoire an has recently masterd the Bowie classic Space Oddity…..
For those who love live music….Next time your at an AC/DC concert in the UK look out for James Gundy he may well be up there in the spotlight rockin’ with Angus & Co while sharing lead guitar duties on A Touch Too Much!
Well done James on being London Guitar Academy‘s Student of The Month for Feb 2013.For those about to rock we salute YOU….. you will always be the senior partner.