Guitar Lessons Harrow

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Guitar Lessons in Harrow Guitar Lessons London: Harrow Guitar Academy

LONDON’S PREMIER GUITAR SCHOOL SINCE 1998 NOW OFFERING LESSONS FOR ALL GUITAR, STYLES & ALL AGES. GROUP, INDIVIDUAL & BAND CLASSES CLICK HERE TO BUY & SCHEDULE YOUR LESSONS. LGA strive to provide the best possible music education for our students. Our lesson are the perfect mix of learning and performance.We offer an excellent, experienced faculty committed to helping the student realize his or her full expressive and artistic potential through music. Our aim is to provide a quality music education and foster a love of acoustic, electric guitar, and ukulele music in an atmosphere where students express themselves to their fullest potential through personal expression & improvisation. We cater for all ages and levels, whether you are a complete beginner or looking to refresh your guitar skills

One to One Lessons 30,45,60 min
For those either picking up a guitar
for the first time or are an advanced player

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Lessons for Young People 30,45,60 min
Help your child gain a lifelong
love and understanding of music. Harrow Guitar Academy is located at your location in Harrow

Open today 8:00 am – 11:00 pm

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Guitar Courses

Guitar Courses

LEARN GUITAR, LOVE GUITAR, LIVE GUITAR! Guitar Lessons London are ideal for beginners and experienced players. Always the caring, encouraging, and enthusiastic guitar teachers, London Guitar Academy teach all levels of students; from the total beginner to the working professional guitarist looking to improve. LGA have studied and performed many styles of music, including: rock, pop, blues, country, acoustic, classical, jazz,  hard rock/metal and contemporary compositions written for guitar and guitar ensembles.

Guitar Lessons Harrow

Guitar Lessons Harrow

LGA has a proven track record of inspiring and motivating all levels of guitar students. This experience decades of personal study and as working full times as guitar and songwriting instructors. Have fun and enjoy the experience. London Guitar Academy tutors have years of experience on stage, in the studio and working beside some impressive names including Paul McCartney, Muse, Mark Knofler, Michael Jackson, George Michael, Mike Oldfield, The Gorilaz, and many more. Lessons are individual and adapted to the students’ personal goals and musical preferences. There is a long list of songs to choose from and the student is also welcome to suggest songs they would like to learn. Students at London’s premier guitar school receive personalised and private guitar lessons that are tailored to their specific needs and musical interests. Quality Music Lessons for All Ages![instagram-feed]  Music is about communication, creativity, and cooperation, and by studying music in schools, students have the opportunity to build on these skills, enrich their lives, and experience the world from a new perspective.

Harrow Guitar

Harrow Guitar




At London Guitar Academy we teach guitar for all kinds of levels & styles.


One to One Lessons

Whether you are picking up a guitar for the first time or are an advanced player looking to break out of a rut and expand your capabilities, you need a guitar teacher who is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Read more

Lessons for Young People

Help your child gain a lifelong love and understanding of music, and give her or him the opportunity to experience the success that comes with committed practice. Read more

ONE TO ONE LESSONS 30,45,60 min
For those either picking up a guitar
for the first time or are an advanced player

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Help your child gain a lifelong
love and understanding of music

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Guitar Lessons Harrow

Guitar Lessons Harrow

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  • All Levels Welcome
  • Quality guitar tuition in a relaxed atmosphere
  • Lessons are available seven days a week.
  • Lessons are customised to fit each student’s needs
  • Learn step by step at your own pace
  • Scheduling is flexible! Regular slot available
  • Fully equipped studio with plenty of guitars to use
  • Our amazing teachers can even travel to your home or office!

For more information and to book trial lesson at the London Guitar Academy call James 07957 230 354 or e-mail

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Beginning Classes

We teach guitar for all kinds of levels & styles.
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  • Guitar for Absolute Beginners
  • Guitar for Near Beginners
  • Guitar for Intermediate Beginners
  • Learn Chords, Strums and Fundamentals
  • Guitar for Advanced Beginners
  • Ukulele Basics & Intermediate

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Specialist Classes

Focus on a style

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  • Classic Rock 101
  • Acoustic Performance
  • Intermediate Acoustic Technique
  • Blues Guitar Basics
  • Intermediate Blues
  • Metal Guitar Basics
  • Funk Guitar Basics

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Lead Classes

For those who wish to play guitar solos

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  • Intro to Lead Guitar
  • Lead Guitar Basics
  • Advanced Lead
  • Lead Guitar Modes
  • Lead Guitar Chords and Arpeggios

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London Guitar

London Guitar

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